Modern combat versus witch
Modern combat versus witch

modern combat versus witch

Many practicing witches describe a life-long connection to nature, intuition, or the heavenly bodies such as the moon or stars.

modern combat versus witch

While some organized spiritual groups may have initiation rites, all that you need to become a witch is yourself. The act of manifestation, and magick itself, is simply focusing energy to produce the desired effect, and it's much easier than you think.

modern combat versus witch

Simply writing out gratitude lists or repeating a mantra is casting a spell, as it means you're injecting reminders of your self-worth into your life. In today's busy world, finding a way to unwind, relax, and re-connect with yourself is a powerful spell indeed. When you're overwhelmed and stressed, do you ever turn your bathtub into a cauldron by filling it with soothing salts, perhaps lighting some candles to set the mood further? That's a self-love spell. Have you ever had a vivid dream about someone, only for them to text you the very next day? It's possible that your psychic intuition was burning bright. Witches believe that everything contains energy: This includes nature, orgasms, and of course, yourself. The practice of magick is about raising and directing energy to fulfill your intentions. Magick, which witches like to spell with a "k" to differentiate it from stage magic, is real, too. (For instance, did you know that a person of any gender can be a witch, and that the whole black magick versus white magick thing is rather racist?) Keep reading, and regardless of your orientation, race, gender, or economic background, you'll see that you will always have a home with the witches. But first, we must debunk some major myths lingering about witchcraft. Adding a witchcraft practice to your life can be a powerful act of rebellion, self-care, and even activism. When asked about her favorite historical witchcraft moment in modern history, Sollée calls out Bri Luna's founding of The Hoodwitch website and community in 2013, which helped usher in the current witchcraft revival.

Modern combat versus witch